Hodges Family T-Shirt Time

April 16th, 2015 / Tags: / categories: Family /


Full Hodges Family Invitation Letter

It’s time to come up with a theme for our family reunion T-shirts, and we thought we’d invite the family to help come up with something..

Below are a few of the themes we’ve used in the past. Or if you think we should skip a theme and just go with Hodges Family Reunion 2015, that works, too!

Previous Themes

  • Out of the past, rises the future
  • Look to the stars
  • We’ve come this far by faith
  • Remember the past
  • Bridging the gap between generations

Please use the comment section to add your suggestion.

Be sure to spread news of the family reunion.

See you in August!

one responses

  1. Robbie Mcgee says:

    From the Young to the Old…Hodges Family 2015

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